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A Newcomer’s Guide to Micro-Needling

Once a curious new addition to the world of aesthetic enhancements, micro-needling has become something of a staple on the scene. Also known as collagen induction therapy, this safe and effective treatment is renowned for its capacity to quickly and effectively improve skin texture and appearance, while delivering long-lasting results for most patients. 

What is Micro-Needling?

Micro-needling is a minimally invasive procedure, which uses a device equipped with fine needles to create controlled and precise micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. This regulated, carefully controlled damage stimulates the body’s natural healing response, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin fibres, which are essential for healthy and youthful-looking skin. 

In addition, the process enhances the absorption and effectiveness of topical skincare products, which is why micro-needling is at its most effective when administered in conjunction with the ideal skincare ‘cocktail’ for the patient in question. 

The Purpose and Benefits of Micro-Needling

Micro-needling has proven hugely effective in treating a range of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin texture and dullness. By stimulating collagen production, micro-needling promotes skin tightening, improves elasticity and enhances overall skin tone and texture. 

It is a particularly versatile treatment suitable for all skin types, which can be performed on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, hands and décolletage. 

How Does Micro-Needling Work?

During a micro-needling session, your practitioner will first cleanse your skin thoroughly and numb the area to be treated. After which, a pen-like device with sterile needles will be gently rolled over the targeted area, creating controlled ‘micro-channels’. 

These micro-channels trigger the release of growth factors, which stimulate collagen and elastin production. This results in the skin becoming firmer and more vibrant over time, while at the same time allowing for the deeper penetration of mesotherapy cocktails, further enhancing their effectiveness.

Suitable Candidates for Micro-Needling

Micro-needling is generally safe for most people, as it is not associated with any serious side effects or adverse reactions. It can be a great option for anyone looking to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and hyperpigmentation. Men and women of most ages can undergo micro-needling, without having to worry about adverse effects.

However, individuals with active skin infections, open wounds, or a history of keloid scarring may not be suitable. This is why it is essential to consult with a qualified professional ahead of time, who can assess your specific skin concerns and determine if you are a suitable candidate for treatment. 

What to Expect After Micro-Needling and Aftercare

Following micro-needling treatment, it is normal to experience some mild redness, tenderness and minor pinpoint bleeding. All such side effects are temporary and typically subside within a few days, but must be monitored carefully. 

It is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner, which may include keeping your skin hydrated, avoiding direct sunlight and using only gentle skincare products. You may also need to undergo multiple sessions for optimal results (as advised by your provider), usually spaced four to six weeks apart.

Advanced Mesotherapy Cocktails

To maximise the benefits of micro-needling, scientifically advanced mesotherapy cocktails are often used while the treatment is carried out. These carefully formulated products combine potent active ingredients with vitamins and other compounds, in order to target specific skin concerns.

Examples of the most effective mesotherapy cocktails that can be used as part of a micro-needling treatment program include:

  1. Hydra Meso: Designed to deeply hydrate and nourish the skin, this cocktail replenishes moisture and restores radiance, leaving your skin feeling refreshed.
  2. Tight & Firm Meso: This cocktail focuses on firming and tightening sagging skin, stimulating collagen production and improving overall skin elasticity.
  3. Wrinkle Meso: Formulated to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, this cocktail stimulates collagen synthesis, resulting in a smoother and more youthful complexion.
  4. Growth-F Meso: Targeting hair follicles, this cocktail promotes hair growth, improves scalp condition and helps combat hair loss.
  5. Chroma Meso: This cocktail addresses pigmentation irregularities, helping to even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots and discolouration.
  6. Eyes Meso: Specifically formulated for the delicate skin around the eyes, this cocktail targets puffiness, dark circles and fine lines, providing a revitalised and youthful appearance.
  7. Stretch-M Meso: Designed to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, this cocktail stimulates collagen production and regenerates the skin, making stretch marks less noticeable.
  8. Cellulite Meso: This cocktail combats cellulite by improving circulation, promoting lymphatic drainage and toning the skin for a smoother and firmer appearance.
  9. Hair-G Meso: Another cocktail addressing hair loss concerns, Hair-G Meso nourishes the scalp and follicles, promoting hair growth and thickness.

Your practitioner will help you decide which of the available mesotherapy cocktails is right for you, in accordance with your beauty goals and the nature/extent of the issue being treated. 

Alternative Treatment Options 

Prior to undergoing micro-needling, your practitioner will discuss the alternative options that may be available to you during your initial consultation. Depending on your objectives, your priorities and your preferences, you may find that one of the following treatments is better suited to your needs:

1. Chemical Peels

How It Works: Chemical peels involve applying a solution containing acids to the skin’s surface, causing the outer layer to peel off. This process stimulates cell turnover and exfoliation.

What It Is For: Chemical peels are used to improve skin texture, tone and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and pigmentation issues.

Results: Chemical peels can provide a smoother and more even complexion. They can address various skin concerns, depending on the strength of the peel used.


  • Can be tailored to different skin concerns and types.
  • Various strengths available, from mild to deep peels.
  • Generally cost-effective compared to some other treatments.
  • Minimal downtime for mild peels.


  • May require multiple sessions for optimal results.
  • Some peels can cause redness, peeling and temporary discomfort.
  • Deep peels can require longer recovery periods.
  • Sun protection is crucial post-treatment.

2. Laser Resurfacing

How It Works: Laser resurfacing uses focused light energy to remove the outer layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and revealing new, healthier skin.

What It Is For: Laser resurfacing can address wrinkles, scars, uneven skin tone and sun damage.

Results: Laser resurfacing can provide significant improvement in skin texture, fine lines and pigmentation issues. Results can be long-lasting.


  • Precise targeting of skin concerns.
  • Different types of lasers available for varying skin tones and concerns.
  • Shorter recovery time compared to deep chemical peels.
  • Stimulates collagen production for ongoing improvements.


  • Potential for post-treatment redness and swelling.
  • Some lasers may not be suitable for certain skin tones.
  • More expensive than some other treatments.
  • Multiple sessions might be needed for optimal results.

3. Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening

How It Works: RF skin tightening utilises radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening loose or sagging skin.

What It Is For: RF treatments are suitable for addressing mild to moderate skin laxity, especially in areas like the face, neck and body.

Results: RF treatments can lead to tighter, firmer skin and improved texture. Results are gradual and may require multiple sessions.


  • Non-invasive with minimal downtime.
  • Can be used on various body areas.
  • Suitable for a wide range of skin types.
  • Gradual and natural-looking results.


  • Multiple sessions are typically needed.
  • Results may not be as dramatic as surgical procedures.
  • The extent of improvement can vary from person to person.
  • Maintenance sessions might be required.

4. Dermal Fillers

How It Works: Dermal fillers involve injecting gel-like substances beneath the skin to add volume, smooth lines and enhance facial features.

What It Is For: Dermal fillers are used to restore lost volume, reduce wrinkles and enhance facial contours.

Results: Dermal fillers can provide immediate volume enhancement and smooth out wrinkles. Results can last several months to a year, depending on the filler used.


  • Quick and virtually painless procedure.
  • Immediate results.
  • Customisable for different areas of the face.
  • Minimal downtime.


  • Results are temporary and require maintenance.
  • Possible bruising, swelling and discomfort at the injection site.
  • Requires repeated treatments for continued results.
  • Needs a skilled practitioner for optimal outcomes.

During your initial consultation with Cambridge Laser Clinic, you will have the opportunity to discuss your beauty goals in full with your practitioner, in order to make an informed and confident decision regarding the options available. 

If you have any questions or concerns about micro-needling or you would like to discuss any of our bespoke beauty treatments in more detail, contact the team at Cambridge Laser Clinic today.