Age spots are a common skin concern among many of our patients at Cambridge Laser…

Tattoo Removal FAQs
At Cambridge Laser Clinic we see many patients who require tattoo removal. More often than not, all patients have similar questions when it comes to laser tattoo removal and what the process consists of. This has inspired us to write a guide for people who may be considering this treatment but have some unanswered questions.
Does laser tattoo removal hurt?
This is one of the biggest concerns that we get asked about. The answer is that it does cause some discomfort, however, everyone has a different pain threshold, so not all patients report the same experience.
Many people liken the feeling to being very similar to getting the tattoo in the first place. Others say it feels like a rubber band being snapped against the skin.
The good news is that many patients will say the feeling isn’t as bad after the first session, with subsequent sessions having a reduction in the intensity of discomfort.
All treatments at Cambridge Laser Clinic are delivered with forced cold air skin cooling significantly reducing discomfort and collateral skin damage.
How long does a tattoo removal session take?
This is dependent on the size of your tattoo. If you have a small tattoo then this could be treated in as little as 5 minutes. If your tattoo covers a larger area, like on your chest or if you have a sleeve tattoo, then we would need more time, potentially up to 40 minutes.
In addition to this you will also need to factor in that you most likely need to have multiple sessions to fully remove your tattoo. You will need to have one appointment a month for as many sessions as advised by your practitioner.
How many sessions will I need to get rid of a tattoo?
A highly skilled laser operator will have to see your tattoo before you will get a definite answer to this question, however if you have an amateur tattoo you will most likely require less sessions than someone who has a professional tattoo.
This is because amateur tattoos are normally smaller, are more superficial, and less saturated with ink, making them easier to remove. Professional tattoos, in contrast, often use a high saturation of ink that is injected deeper into the skin, so that the tattoo has less chance of running or fading.
Generally an amateur tattoo may need between three and five sessions, whereas a professional tattoo removal could require between eight and twelve sessions.
Will tattoo removal leave a scar?
Not all laser tattoo removal machines are the same. At Cambridge Laser Clinic we are the only clinic in the UK to utilise the Quanta Discovery Pico Plus Laser. This is the most advanced tattoo removal laser in the world boasting three primary cavity lasers( Nd YAG 1064nm / KTP 532nm & Ruby 694nm) in both Q- Switched and Pico modes. All Q-switching is Active and all Pico modes are Seed Laser Driven.
These state of the art laser tattoo removal machines ensure that the vast majority of patients will have no lasting damage or scarring of the skin after having the treatment. Very occasionally patients may be left with some slight textural changes to the skin, but all of the risks will be explained thoroughly if you have your tattoo removed by a reputable clinic.
Our audited scar risk is under 0.5% and hence we are over 99.5% sure we will not scar you during your tattoo removal journey.
Laser tattoo removal near me
If you are looking for experienced laser tattoo removal experts, we would welcome you to book a free consultation with Cambridge Laser Clinic. We provide quality treatments, tailored to our patients individual needs and we offer free consultations.