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Birthmark removal cambridge

Can you remove a birthmark with laser treatment?

Birthmarks come in many different sizes and colours, from brown, black, red, pink,
purple, or with blue tones. They appear on some people’s bodies at birth or just after,
and although they are harmless, they can be a concern for people who have them,
especially when they present in very obvious areas, like on the face, where they can’t
be hidden easily.

Birth marks can be either vascular or pigmented. Vascular birthmarks occur when our blood vessels don’t form correctly and pigmented birthmarks are a results of an
overgrowth of cells

How birthmarks can affect us

Birthmarks can be a source of anxiety for people who suffer with them. Unfortunately,
both children and adults with birthmarks can find they are stigmatised because of this

Children can have a hard time at school or in their social lives as other children may
stare, or not be very kind to them because of the birthmark.

The way some people may react to a birthmark can leave both adults and children with low self esteem and in some cases feeling depressed.

How to remove a birthmark?

You may read online that you can remove birthmarks at home naturally, but home
remedies have not been scientifically or clinically proven.

If you want to find an effective way of removing a birthmark surgery or laser treatment are two options that could provide the results you want to see.

Laser treatment for birthmarks

Many patients will opt for laser treatment to remove their birthmarks. Laser treatments are non-invasive, quick and effective and their are low chances of side effects as a result of treatment.

At Cambridge laser Clinic we treat the following birthmarks

 Port-wine stains
 Strawberry hemangiomas
 Café au lait spots
 Facial Dermal Melanocytosis
 Nevus of Ota

For more information or a free consultation please contact us.